Privacy Policy
This privacy policy is a policy for handling personal information listed on the website of NTG Korea Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "supplier").
1. Items and methods of collecting personal information
A. Items of personal information collected
First, the supplier collects the following personal information at the time of initial membership to provide seamless customer counseling and various services.
- Required items: company name, person in charge, contact number, e-mail address, information collection agreement
- Options: none
B. Collection of personal information
The supplier collects personal information in the following methods:
- Customer access the website and fills the membership form to sign up.
2. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information
A. Fee settlement, content provision, and specific customized service provision according to service delivery and implementation of service delivery contracts.
B. Member management
Identification, personal identification, prevention of illegal use and unauthorized use of defective members, confirmation of intention to join, restriction of the number of subscriptions, record preservation for dispute settlement, complaint handling, and delivery of notices.
C. Development and marketing of new services to apply to advertising
Develop new and customized services, publish services and advertisements according to statistical characteristics, validate services, provide events and advertising information and opportunities to participate, identify frequency of access, and statistics on members' use of services.
3. Sharing and Provision of Personal Information
The supplier uses the users' personal information within the scope notified in "2. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information", and does not use the user's personal information in excess of the same range or disclose the user's personal information to the outside in principle without the user's prior consent. Exceptions shall be made in the following cases:
- If the user agrees to disclose in advance.
- Where there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of the statutes or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed in the statutes for the purpose of investigation.
4. Retention and use period of personal information
In principle, the user's personal information is held until the time before the withdrawal finish by the members voluntarily expressing their intention to withdraw.
5. Matters concerning the installation/Operation and rejection of automatic personal information collection devices
Suppliers use cookies to store and retrieve user information from time to time to provide customized and tailored services. Cookies are a very small text file sent by the server used to run the website to the user's browser and stored on the user's computer's hard disk.
A. Purpose of using cookies
It is used to provide optimal information to users by identifying each service and website accessed by users, popular search language, security access, news editing, and user scale.
B. Cookie installation/Operation and rejection
- The user has the right to install cookies. Therefore, users can allow all cookies by setting options in their web browser, go through verification whenever they are saved, or refuse to save all cookies.
- However, if users refuse to save cookies, some services that require login may be difficult to use.
- How to specify whether cookies are allowed to be installed (in the case of Internet Explorer)
① Select [Internet options] from the [Tool] menu.
② Click on [Personal Information Tab].
③ Set the [Personal Information Handling Level].
6. Person in charge of personal information management and contact information of person in charge.
You can report any complaints related to personal information protection arising from using the supplier's service to the person in charge of personal information management or the department in charge.
Supplier will promptly and sufficiently reply to the user's report.
Personal information manager:
Tel. : 055-587-8211
If you need to report or consult about any other personal information infringement, please contact the following agency.
- Personal Information Protection Commission ( / 1336)
- ePrivacy Committee ( / 02-580-0533~4)
- Supreme Prosecutors' Office Forensic Science Investigation Department ( / 02-3480-2000)
- National Police Agency Cyber Bureau ( / 02-392-0330)
7. Personal information protection for those under the age of 14
Children under the age of 14 must obtain the consent of their legal representative before signing up as members.
법정대리인은 언제든지 어린이의 개인정보의 열람, 정정, 일부 정보 Delete, 동의 철회등을 회사에 요청할 수 있으며, 이러한 요청에 대하여 회사는 지체 없이 필요한 조치를 취하여야 합니다.
8. Others
We would like to inform you that this privacy policy is not applicable to the activities of websites linked to this site to collect personal information.
9. Duty of notification
If any contents of the current privacy policy are added, deleted, or modified, we will notify you at least 7 days before the revision through announcements on the website.
- Date of Announcement : 01/04/2022
- Effective Date : 01/04/2222